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A selection of video works.
A selection of video works.
I Can Suffer, I Can Suffer, Stay With Me
Datamoshing video made during the first year of my Masters by Research degree, and exhibited as part of my examination exhibition. A video exploring the degradation of the image as a vehicle for violent intent, ideas of cyclical violence and fantasy in a suburban domestic setting.
Can you suffer like I suffer?
This video work uses datamoshing to combine various segments of video footage into one, allowing a figure to confront and destroy a series of its own doubles. Similar actions are repeated again and again, the violent destruction of the body echoed by the increasing saturation and pixelation that signifies the degradation of the medium.
A video using datamoshing techniques and simple gestures to render the figure monstrous. Shown on the outer screens of SASA gallery and at ‘Possession’ at Collective Haunt Inc.